George carlin youtube the islamic extremists
George carlin youtube the islamic extremists

george carlin youtube the islamic extremists

After all, he detested gays kissing one another in public, just like conservatives do. Hence, Omar Mateen was really just a patsy of the right-wing. And that is that conservatives are really to blame for the anti-gay motivation of the Islamic terrorist, because conservatives have opposed the homosexual agenda and have, therefore, made it acceptable to kill gays. But the Southern Poverty Law Center was floating a different explanation that is now getting some traction on the left. President Obama initially blamed the guns, his standard ploy.

george carlin youtube the islamic extremists

The FBI, which consults the SPLC and failed to uncover Omar Mateen’s terrorist connections, appears to have no understanding of the deadly ideological game that is being played. This is how the SPLC will drive the discussion in the media and cause law enforcement agencies to miss even more terrorist plots. In the days ahead, expect media denunciations of conservatives as somehow responsible for the “homophobia” that drove a faithful follower of Islam to commit mass murder. Remember that the SPLC is a group which has been consulted by law enforcement authorities at the federal and other levels, including the FBI, and is frequently cited by the media as a legitimate and authoritative “civil rights” organization. Notice how the SPLC made no mention of the killer’s religious affiliation or motivation, or his acknowledgement of inspiration from ISIS.

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Admitting that “the full facts” were still unknown, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) nevertheless issued a statement on Sunday afternoon on “the senseless act of domestic terrorism in Orlando,” saying that “it is not surprising that the LGBT community was targeted” because “This community has long been vilified by those opposed to LGBT rights and is too often the target of violent hate crimes.” This was a clever but dishonest way of trying to shift the blame to conservatives for terrorism committed by a devoted follower of Islam.

George carlin youtube the islamic extremists